Thursday, June 11, 2009


Isn't pregnancy supposed to be some blissful time of magical mystical wonder? Am I like the only woman who does not perceive this to be the case? Like don't get me wrong I have tried hard to feel this way but the truth of the matter is pregnancy sucks. There is nothing about it I enjoy, other than of course the baby at the end of the longest darkest tunnel possible. I guess what's truly beautiful is the notion that women are still willing in this day and age to subject their bodies, their freedom and their life to this prehistoric process of multiplication. I get that this is how things were done back in the day. But this is the 21st century man and the best we have come up with are epidurals! Are you kidding me? Where is my artificial womb? 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What a deal

This is a link to a funny youtube video a friend of mine sent me. It's funny because we actually know and deal with a lot of people exactly like this. In fact you may know of some yourself! The clip is 2.19 min  -Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So last weekend I went out for lunch with my lover (a.k.a Gordon) and we snuck out without the kids. Once I got to the restaurant and realized that we were going to to be seated beside a table with young children without hesitating I said "oh no, this won't do I hate kids". Now anyone who knows me knows that is far from the truth but I figure if you are going to go without your own children why hang out with someone else's? The best part though was the look of confusion on the waiters face as he found us a new table all the while processing the fact that I am quite pregnant, priceless I tell you.