Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 2010

This past summer was crazy. We took over our renovation project on our new house thanks to incompetent construction management, we moved in while it was under construction, we had our fifth child two weeks after move in day, we wrangled our 2 year old son repeatedly with the hopes of literally keeping danger at bay, we entertained the 4 kids during the summer break because after all it was summer and they had no school, we started two new businesses and merged our patent and trademark law firm with another, we threw a catered affair for Tahlia's baby naming ceremony, we celebrated three birthdays complete with parties, we became involved in a couple of lawsuits thanks to our less than wonderful experiences with our construction manager...Oh and I am sure I forgot to mention somewhere in there that the baby was born with acid reflux and colic so needless to say I walked around with her attached to me as though she were an extra appendage because there is nothing more nerve racking than a baby's relentless crying.

Fast forward to today, January 2010 and the start of a new year, a new life, a new house, and new opportunities. Much has happened in the last couple of months very much worthy of it's own blog. I will do my best to dig up any such materials and post it for the sole purpose of it's entertainment value, because after all my life is nothing if not busy and full of hilarious drama thanks to people. As I write this I hear within myself Barbra's voice singing to me "People, people who need people, are the luckiest people in the world". I really couldn't agree with her more.

If it weren't for the people from my past I would not have all the ridiculously insane stories which make up my life. Maybe I wouldn't even have the same appreciation for humour because after all a "norma life" or a "typical life" isn't really that funny. In fact I find them intensely boring. Dysfunction breads humour my friends and guess what? God was looking favourably upon me because with the family I was born into, I hit the jackpot baby! You heard me. Without my parents and the rest of my family who would I be today? I am one lucky lady I tell you. My family is like my "raison for therapy", or like the powerful gravitational forces that threaten to kill you if you dare try to escape it, or more accurately like the erratic weather patterns in Oklahoma that are both unpredictably scary and dangerous followed by peaceful sunsets and that all too familiar false sense of security. Speaking of which why the fuck do people still live in areas effected by killer tornados? Like how many fucking times do you need to live out a scene from the Wizard of Oz before you are like "I am done, I am out of here"? And since most of y'all live in trailers anyway how hard could it be? Like wheel your damn house to safety man.

So I would like to start by wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year. May you be blessed with many more years of very entertaining dysfunctional family! You lucky person you.

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